Fashion Blogs

My own personal introduction to body positivity was through personal style and fashion blogs. I love fashion, but it can be a bit boring (or, i'll admit, a bit depressing) to read through fashion magazines that only include images of one kind of body. So I started searching the internet for fashion with a bit more size diversity. Here are a few of my favourites...

Gabifresh is absolutely gorgeous and totally a style inspiration.

This blog by Ana Pizzaro - The Duchess - is in Spanish, but pictures speak 1000 words. 

Edith Dohmen's blog Style Has No Size is filled with great fashion, lovely illustrations, and positive messages. In addition to images of herself, she posts images of all kinds of amazing women.

This isn't technically a blog, but Marie Southard Ospina is a writer for online magazine Bustle, and she has some pretty cool things to say. Like this video explaining what body positivity is all about: 

I just discovered this great blog by Hantise De L'oubli. She has amazing blue mermaid hair and really fun style.