Social Media

Here are some social media accounts that you should check out:


On the tiagirlclub instagram account TIA stands for "Today I Am" and the account is all about girls showing confidence in who they are. It's pretty fun, you can't help but smile at all the photos and messages about strength and self-esteem. I think self-confidence is a very attractive quality, don't you?

The Instagram account for #effyourbeautystandards is absolutely fabulous. There are photos of a diverse range of beautiful women (and the occasional man) and messages about body positivity. The #effyourbeautystandards hashtag was founded by plus-size model Tess Holliday, who also has a fantastic, positive and witty Instagram account.

Megan Jayne Crabbe is a recovered anorexic who is trying to spread some body positive vibes with her Instagram account bodyposipanda. The journey towards loving your body can sometimes be long and difficult, but Megan is proof that it's totally worth making this journey!

Are you starting to notice that i'm an Instagram addict? Harnaam Kaur describes herself as a model, bearded lady, and body confidence and anti-bullying activist. There is is much coolness to this lady that i can't sum in up in a short blurb, but if you want more info on her check out this article. 


Stop Hating Your Body is a great tumblr account that aims to replace self-hate with self-love. The content is truly representative of all the wonderful kinds of diversity that make us humans so fascinating. What's not to love about that?

My Foxy Fashion - a fatshion and personal blog by a girl with adorable style.

Fuck Yeah Body Positivity is super enthusiastic about a topic that we should all be enthusiastic about: home amazing and wonderful all of our bodies are.


Your Fat Friend describes themselves as a "politicized fatty". They truly force us to consider how fat people are marginalized by our society and  challenge us to do something about it.